Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pictures of First Month in Site!

Panama cheering as a goal as scored. 

This is used to weave the finer sombreros that can fetch several hundred dollars. 

An almost finished sombrero

Visiting the sombrero festival in La Pintada. 

This was a gift from my host dad and a few other community members. This is probably 40 hours worth of work to make. The design is called "mosquito" 

This is a ridiculously large ant. I believe they're called bullet ants and their bite is horrible. Had to keep double checking to make sure this guy didn't bite me. 

Host family dog had puppies!

You'll never be clean in Peace Corps.

My growing collection of pictures, post cards, and other stuff.

A cool leaf that looks like a fish spine. 

There are way too many plants and trees with spikes coming out of them. 

This is my GPS unit's screen. This is the glorious moment when you're walking and taking glorious GPS coordinates and you run back into a path you've already recorded. 

This is what rice looks like.

The awesome water committee president chopping a path through the jungle for me. 

This is how we do oranges here. Peel it like this and then suck the juice out the top. 

Bamboo plants

This is in the middle of a rain storm. My room is the wall you see to the left. Luckily it didn't flood through. 

Parade in La Pintada

Now that I have a cat I want to take pictures of it like every other cat owner. 

Parade in La Pintada

Progress on my sombrero. I'm about halfway done. 

My terrible attempt at a garden. So far I've put in lemon grass and ginger. I'll be adding beans, onions, and peppers which you can see growing in the next picture. 

1 comment:

  1. You have the creepiest looking cat that I've ever seen! Lol
